Yumo Mikyo Dorje

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Yumo Mikyo Dorje (Tibetan: ཡུ་མོ་མི་བསྐྱོད་རྡོ་རྗེ་Wylie: Yu-mo Mi-bskyod Rdo-rje) was a student of the Kashmiri scholar Somanatha, and an 11th century Kalachakra master. Yumo Mikyo Dorje is regarded as one of the earliest Tibetan articulators of a shentong (zhentong) view of shunyata — an understanding of the absolute radiant nature of reality. Emphasized within the Kalachakra Tantra and the Buddha's teachings on Buddhanature in the so-called The Third Turning of Wheel, this view later became emblematic of the Jonang tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

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